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This function evaluates the outcomes of replication studies against the original studies using various statistical criteria (see below, and vignette("success_criteria") for more details).


assess_replication_outcome(es_o, n_o, es_r, n_r, criterion)



Numeric. The effect size from the original study.


Integer. The sample size of the original study.


Numeric. The effect size from the replication study.


Integer. The sample size of the replication study.


Character. The criterion to use for assessing the replication outcome. Options include: "significance_r", "significance_agg", "consistency_ci", "consistency_pi", "homogeneity", "homogeneity_significance" and "small_telescopes".


A data frame with the outcome of the assessment based on the specified criterion, with two columns: outcome and outcome_detailed.


The function assesses the replication outcome using one of several criteria:


Evaluates the statistical significance of the replication effect (and whether its direction is consistent with the original effect). If the original study was not significant, this is highlighted, as the criterion is meaningless


Aggregates the effect sizes from the original and replication studies using a meta-analytic approach and assesses whether the combined effect is significantly different from zero.


Checks whether the original effect size falls within the confidence interval of the replication effect size, thus assessing consistency between the original and replication findings.


Evaluates whether the replication effect size falls within the prediction interval derived from the original study and the size of the replication sample. This accounts for the expected variability in replication results.


Assesses whether the effects from the original and replication studies are homogeneous (i.e., consistent) using a heterogeneity test (Q-test).


Combines the assessment of homogeneity with the significance of the effect sizes. It checks whether the two effects are homogeneous and jointly significantly different from zero.


Tests whether the replication effect size is larger than the effect size that would have given the original study a power of 33%. Derived from Simonsohn (2015), the idea here is that replications should only count as successful if they indicate that the original study provided evidence (rather than a lucky guess).


es_o <- 0.3  # Effect size from the original study
n_o <- 100   # Sample size of the original study
es_r <- 0.25 # Effect size from the replication study
n_r <- 120   # Sample size of the replication study
assess_replication_outcome(es_o, n_o, es_r, n_r, "significance_r")
#>   outcome                    outcome_detailed
#> 1 success + replication effect is significant