Data Carpentry for Biologists

The Biology Semester-long Course was developed and piloted at the University of Florida in Fall 2015. Course materials include readings, lectures, exercises, and assignments that expand on the material presented at workshops focusing on SQL and R.

Data Management with SQL for Ecologists

Databases are useful for both storing and using data effectively. Using a relational database serves several purposes. It keeps your data separate from your analysis. This means there’s no risk of accidentally changing data when you analyze it. If we …

Data Management with SQL for Social Scientists

This is an alpha lesson to teach Data Management with SQL for Social Scientists, We welcome and criticism, or error; and will take your feedback into account to improve both the presentation and the content. Databases are useful for both storing and …

Databases and SQL

Software Carpentry lesson that teaches how to use databases and SQL In the late 1920s and early 1930s, William Dyer, Frank Pabodie, and Valentina Roerich led expeditions to the Pole of Inaccessibility in the South Pacific, and then onward to …

Library Carpentry: SQL

Library Carpentry, an introduction to SQL for Librarians This Library Carpentry lesson introduces librarians to relational database management system using SQLite. At the conclusion of the lesson you will: understand what SQLite does; use SQLite to …

Social Science Workshop Overview

Workshop overview for the Data Carpentry Social Sciences curriculum. Data Carpentry’s aim is to teach researchers basic concepts, skills, and tools for working with data so that they can get more done in less time, and with less pain. This workshop …