Luz Acera contributed to
Team Summaries as Project manager
Balazs Aczel contributed to
- Team Glossary | Phase 1 as Project co-lead
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Glossary with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Nadia Adelina contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Valeria Agostini contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Laurence Aitchison contributed to
Reversals & Replications with Writing - review & editing
Ali H. Al-Hoorie contributed to
- Impact on students with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Landscape with Data curation and Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Samuel Alarie contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Nihan Albayrak-Aydemir contributed to
- Impact on students with Investigation, Resources, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Alaa Aldoh contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
Veronica Allen contributed to
- Outreach with Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Resources and Visualization
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation
Saad Almajed contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Joseph Almazan contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Shilaan Alzahawi contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
- Impact on students with Investigation, Resources and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
Chimezie O. Amaefule contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Writing - review & editing
Jamal Amani Rad contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Olavo B. Amaral contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Nora Ammann contributed to
Reversals & Replications with Writing - review & editing
Giorgia Andreolli contributed to
- Team Cohesion as Project manager
- Team Summaries as Project co-lead
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
Farid Anvari contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Beatrix Arendt contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Patrícia Arriaga contributed to
- Impact on students with Resources and Writing - review & editing
- Summaries with Resources and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Sarah Ashcroft-Jones contributed to
- Impact on students with Investigation and Writing - original draft
- Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Asma A. Assaneea contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Flavio Azevedo contributed to
- Team Lesson Plans | Phase 2 as Project lead
- Team Manuscript/Manifesto as Project lead
- Team Clusters as Project lead
- Team Impact on Students as Project co-lead
- Team Ideas as Project co-lead
- Team Youth as Project co-lead
- Team Cohesion as Project co-lead
- Team Lesson Plans | Phase 1 as Project co-lead
- Team Neurodiversity as Project co-lead
- Tracking and Mainstreaming Replications across the Social, Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences as Project lead
- Team Glossary | Phase 1 as Project co-lead
- Team Feedback as Project co-lead
- Team Citation Politics as Project co-lead
- Team Database as Project co-lead
- Team Wheel of Privilege as Project co-lead
- Team BMC research note as Project lead
- Team Reversals and Replication as Project lead
- Team Mapping Open Science Organizations as Project co-lead
- Parliament inquiry as Project lead
- FORRT as Director
- Team Replication Crisis Paper as Project co-lead
- Promoting Open Science Teaching: A Positive, Inclusive and Participatory Program for
Educators (POST-Edu) as Project co-lead
- Team Open Science in Developing Countries as Project co-lead
- Team Website as Project co-lead
- Impact on students with Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Summaries with Conceptualization
- Neurodivergent Authors Database with Conceptualization and Funding acquisition
- BMC Pedagogical Communities with Conceptualization, Project administration, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- APS Observer with Conceptualization, Project administration, Supervision, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing and Project Coordinator
- Glossary with Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Software, Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- International Initiatives to Enhance Awareness and Uptake of Open Research in Psychology with Conceptualization, Formal analysis and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Visualization and Writing - review & editing
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - review & editing
- Academic Wheel of Privilege with Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Supervision, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Project administration, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing and Project Coordinator
- Landscape with Conceptualization and Methodology
- Getting Started with FORRT with Conceptualization and Writing - original draft
- FORRT’s Clusters with Data curation, Investigation and Project administration
- FReD R package with Conceptualization
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Project administration, Supervision and Writing - review & editing
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Funding acquisition, Investigation, Project administration, Supervision, Visualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Autism & Open Science with Writing - review & editing
- CERES Manuscript with Writing - review & editing
- FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Conceptualization and Funding acquisition
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Bradley J. Baker contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Resources, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Landscape with Data curation, Investigation and Methodology
Nick Ballou contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Han-Wu-Shuang Bao contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Visualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Ana Barbosa Mendes contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft
Charlotte L. Barth contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
James E. Bartlett contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Marcelo C. Batistuzzo contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
David J. Bauer contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Myriam A. Baum contributed to
- Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Brice Beffara Bret contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Julia Beitner contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Anabel Belaus contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Hetvi Bhatt contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Piyali Bhattacharya contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Ashley R. Blake contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Agata Bochynska contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
Veronica Boyce contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Resources and Validation
Peter Branney contributed to
Impact on students with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Ligayaa Breemer contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Jasmin Breitwieser contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Writing - review & editing
Gwen Brekelmans contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft
Amélie Bret contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Cameron Brick contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Hilmar Brohmer contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Benjamin Brummernhenrich contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Emily Budd contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Anya Butler contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Katherine Button contributed to
Impact on students with Investigation, Methodology and Writing - review & editing
Chinchu C. contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Clarissa F. Carneiro contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Aidan G. Cashin contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Subramanya Prasad Chandrashekar contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Sau-Chin Chen contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Hu Chuan-Peng contributed to
- Team Open Science in Developing Countries as Project co-lead
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Project administration, Supervision, Visualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Kai Li Chung contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Kait Clark contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft
Jamie P. Cockcroft contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Tao Coll-Martín contributed to
- Team Summaries as Project manager
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Elizabeth Collins contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft
Katie Corker contributed to
FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Project administration and Resources
Nadia S. Corral-Frías contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Daniel J. Cox contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
Ann-Marie Creaven contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft
Paul Crowe contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Jamie Cummins contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Adira Daniel contributed to
Team Summaries as Project manager
Mary DePascale contributed to Landscape with Data curation
Oliver Deane contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Filip Dechterenko contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Tobias Dienlin contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Bojana M. Dinić contributed to
Glossary - Serbian Translation with Validation
Riddhi Divanhi contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Writing - review & editing
Veronica Diveica contributed to
- Team Summaries as Project manager
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Christopher Doetsch contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Investigation, Resources, Validation and Project Manager
Marie Dokovova contributed to
Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - review & editing
Andis Draguns contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Leonie Dudda contributed to
- Team Glossary | Phase 2 | Translation as Project co-lead
- Team Glossary | Phase 2 | Expansion as Project co-lead
Tsvetomira Dumbalska contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Richard Dushime contributed to
Team Website as Project manager
Emir Efendic contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Ciara Egan contributed to Landscape with Data curation, Methodology and Project Manager
Malak El Halabi contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Mahmoud M. Elsherif contributed to
- Team Glossary | Phase 2 | Translation as Project co-lead
- Team Summaries as Project co-lead
- Team Glossary | Phase 1 as Project co-lead
- Team Neurodiversity as Project co-lead
- Team Glossary | Phase 2 | Expansion as Project co-lead
- Team Database as Project co-lead
- Team Credit as Project manager
- FORRT’s Clusters with Data curation and Investigation
- FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Landscape with Data curation, Methodology and Project Manager
- BMC Pedagogical Communities with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- APS Observer with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Academic Wheel of Privilege with Conceptualization, Methodology and Writing - review & editing
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Neurodivergent Authors Database with Conceptualization and Funding acquisition
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Investigation, Resources and Project Manager
- Impact on students with Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Autism & Open Science with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Conceptualization, Project administration, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Validation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Sam Enright contributed to
Reversals & Replications with Data curation
Thomas R. Evans contributed to
- Team Mapping Open Science Organizations as Project co-lead
- Team Replication Crisis Paper as Project co-lead
- Team Feedback as Project co-lead
- Promoting Open Science Teaching: A Positive, Inclusive and Participatory Program for
Educators (POST-Edu) as Project co-lead
- International Initiatives to Enhance Awareness and Uptake of Open Research in Psychology with Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Validation and Writing - review & editing
- BMC Pedagogical Communities with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Methodology and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Anna Exner contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Ebuka C. Ezeike contributed to Outreach with Conceptualization and Software
FORRT FORRT contributed to
BMC Pedagogical Communities with Writing - review & editing
Benjamin G. Farrar contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Luisa Fassi contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Conceptualization and Writing - review & editing
Daniel Fatori contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Gilad Feldman contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Isabela Figueira contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Writing - review & editing
Adrien Fillon contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Zoe M. Flack contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Jake Floyd contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Frankie Fong contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Felipe Fontana Vieira contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Felipe Fontant Vieira contributed to
Team Summaries as Project co-lead
Jesica Formoso contributed to
Academic Wheel of Privilege with Writing - review & editing
Kerry Fox contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Shannon Francis contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Joris Frese contributed to
- Landscape with Data curation and Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Emily Friedel contributed to
- Team Summaries as Project manager
- Team Credit as Project lead
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Validation and Writing - review & editing
Stephanie Fuller contributed to
Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Nico Förster contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Brett J. Gall contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Tom Gallagher-Mitchell contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
Kevin Gannon contributed to
Academic Wheel of Privilege with Writing - review & editing
Eduardo Garcia-Garzon contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Elias Garcia-Pelegrin contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Juan D. García-Castro contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Max C. Gattie contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Helena Gellersen contributed to Team Citation Politics as Project co-lead
Oliver Genschow contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Sakshi Ghai contributed to
- CERES Manuscript with Conceptualization
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Nikita Ghodke contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Vaitsa Giannouli contributed to
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Katie A. Gilligan-Lee contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
Biljana Gjoneska contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Landscape with Data curation
- Impact on students with Investigation, Methodology, Resources and Writing - original draft
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Autism & Open Science with Writing - review & editing
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Theofilos Gkinopoulos contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Timo Gnambs contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Susana Gonzalez contributed to
Team Website as Project manager
Amélie Gourdon-Kanhukamwe contributed to
- Team Neurodiversity as Project co-lead
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Conceptualization, Project administration, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Neurodivergent Authors Database with Conceptualization, Data curation and Funding acquisition
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- APS Observer with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Gisela H. Govaart contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Christopher J. Graham contributed to
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Formal analysis, Investigation, Validation and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Landscape with Data curation
Bastian Greshake Tzovaras contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Sandra Grinschgl contributed to
- Landscape with Methodology and Project Manager
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Resources, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Magdalena Grose-Hodge contributed to
- Team Neurodiversity as Project co-lead
- Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Samuel Guay contributed to
- Team Website as Project co-lead
- Impact on students with Resources and Software
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Glossary with Data curation, Formal analysis, Software, Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Alexander Hart contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Landscape with Methodology
Helena Hartmann contributed to
- Team Replication Hub as Project lead
- Promoting Open Science Teaching: A Positive, Inclusive and Participatory Program for
Educators (POST-Edu) as Project co-lead
- Team Outreach as Project lead
- Team Ideas as Project co-lead
- FReD (FORRT Replication Database) as Project co-lead
- Team Reversals and Replication as Project co-lead
- Team Youth as Project co-lead
- FORRT’s Clusters with Data curation and Investigation
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- FReD R package with Conceptualization
- Impact on students with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Project administration, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing and Project Coordinator
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
- Outreach with Conceptualization, Investigation, Resources and Visualization
- Landscape with Data curation and Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing and Project Coordinator
Jason Hausenloy contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Clove Haviva contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Gillian Hayes contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Conceptualization
Vera Heininga contributed to
FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Resources
Emma L. Henderson contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Alina Herderich contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Saida Heshmati contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Leon Hilbert contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Rink Hoekstra contributed to
- Team JUST-OS as Project co-lead
- FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Funding acquisition and Resources
Robin R. Hoekstra contributed to
FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Resources
Gabriela Hofer contributed to Landscape with Data curation
Darías Holgado contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Anna Hollis contributed to
Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation, Validation and Writing - review & editing
Samiul Hossain contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Ian Hussey contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Yseult Héjja-Brichard contributed to
Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Lotta Höfer contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation and Resources
Zlatomira G. Ilchovska contributed to
- Impact on students with Investigation, Resources, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Bethan Iley contributed to
- FORRT as Operations Coordinator
- Team Neurodiversity as Project co-lead
- Landscape with Data curation
- APS Observer with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT’s Clusters with Data curation and Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - review & editing
- Academic Wheel of Privilege with Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration, Software and Writing - review & editing
- Outreach with Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition and Visualization
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Resources and Writing - original draft
- Landscape with Methodology
Hirotaka Imada contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Madeleine Ingham contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Kamil Izydorczak contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Michelle Jamieson contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Matt Jaquiery contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Sarah Jaubert contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Alma Jeftic contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Landscape with Data curation
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Leonard Kaiser contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Investigation, Resources, Validation and Project Manager
Tamara Kalandadze contributed to
- Team Summaries as Project co-lead
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Formal analysis, Investigation, Validation and Writing - original draft
- Summaries with Conceptualization
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Impact on students with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Kevin Kamermans contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Steven K. Kapp contributed to
- APS Observer with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - review & editing
- Autism & Open Science with Supervision and Writing - review & editing
Pauline Karega contributed to
Team Website as Project manager
Veli-Matti Karhulahti contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Leon Kasseckert contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation and Validation
Alexandros Kastrinogiannis contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Connor T. Keating contributed to
- Outreach with Conceptualization, Resources and Visualization
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Zoltan Kekecs contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Bettina M. Kern contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Zahra Khorami contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Dominik A. Kiersz contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Andrea Kis contributed to
- Team Neurodiversity as Project co-lead
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Noah Klett contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Formal analysis, Software and Project Manager
Maren Klingelhöfer-Jens contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Halil E. Kocalar contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Markus Konkol contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft
Alicja Koperska contributed to
Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Lina Koppel contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Alina Koppold contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Landscape with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
Max Korbmacher contributed to
- Team Glossary | Phase 2 | Expansion as Project co-lead
- Team Glossary | Phase 2 | Translation as Project co-lead
- Team Mapping Open Science Organizations as Project co-lead
- Team Replication Crisis Paper as Project co-lead
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation and Resources
- International Initiatives to Enhance Awareness and Uptake of Open Research in Psychology with Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Validation and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Visualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Marton Kovacs contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Josefine Krapp contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Formal analysis, Software and Project Manager
Antonia Krasteva contributed to
FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Resources
Kai Krautter contributed to
- Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Zeno Kujawa contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Pooja Kulkarni contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Luisa Kulke contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Niclas Kuper contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Sebastian Kurten contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Writing - review & editing
Laura M. König contributed to
- Academic Wheel of Privilege with Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Annalise A. LaPlume contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Malgorzata Lagisz contributed to Landscape with Data curation, Investigation and Methodology
Catherine Laverty contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft
- Outreach with Conceptualization, Resources and Visualization
Ljiljana B. Lazarevic contributed to
- Glossary - Serbian Translation with Validation
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Aleksandra Lazić contributed to
- Landscape with Data curation and Methodology
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Oscar Lecuona contributed to
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Jaeho Lee contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
- Reversals & Replications with Data curation
Gavin Leech contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Software and Writing - original draft
- Reversals & Replications with Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Software, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Wanyin Li contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Michele C. Lim contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Chun-Yu Lin contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Meng Liu contributed to
- Team Landscape as Project lead
- Reversals & Replications with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
- BMC Pedagogical Communities with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Outreach with Conceptualization and Resources
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Landscape with Conceptualization and Methodology
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Methodology and Writing - review & editing
Yi Liu contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Kelly E. Lloyd contributed to
- Team Ideas as Project co-lead
- Team Outreach as Project lead
- Team Cohesion as Project lead
- FORRT as Community manager
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
- Outreach with Conceptualization, Investigation, Project administration, Resources and Visualization
Feline Lohkamp contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Tina B. Lonsdorf contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Nigel Mantou Lou contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation and Resources
- Landscape with Data curation and Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Timo Lueke contributed to
Impact on students with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Dermot Lynott contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Sean Mackinnon contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Christopher R. Madan contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
Maximilian Maier contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Sharan Maiya contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Matthew C. Makel contributed to
- Impact on students with Resources, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Marie Adrienne R. Manalili contributed to
Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Lisa Mathes contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Adrien Mathy contributed to
Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Michael S. Matthews contributed to Landscape with Data curation
Jennifer Mattschey contributed to
Impact on students with Methodology and Writing - review & editing
Karen Matveinko-Sikar contributed to
- Promoting Open Science Teaching: A Positive, Inclusive and Participatory Program for
Educators (POST-Edu) as Project co-lead
- Impact on students with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Joanne McCuaig contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
Quinnehtukqut McLamore contributed to Autism & Open Science with Writing - review & editing
David McSharry contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Kimberly L. Meidenbauer contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Maria Meier contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Claire R. Melia contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Molly Metz contributed to
Academic Wheel of Privilege with Writing - review & editing
Leticia Micheli contributed to
- Team Summaries as Project co-lead
- Promoting Open Science Teaching: A Positive, Inclusive and Participatory Program for
Educators (POST-Edu) as Project co-lead
- Team Ideas as Project co-lead
- Team Ethics as Project co-lead
- Team Pedagogies as Project lead
- Team Cohesion as Project co-lead
- FORRT as Community manager
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Software and Writing - review & editing
- Outreach with Conceptualization, Resources, Software and Visualization
- FORRT Replication Database with Funding acquisition and Investigation
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- BMC Pedagogical Communities with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
- Summaries with Conceptualization
- FORRT’s Clusters with Data curation and Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Funding acquisition and Investigation
Sara L. Middleton contributed to
- Team Wheel of Privilege as Project co-lead
- Glossary with Writing - review & editing
- Academic Wheel of Privilege with Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration, Software, Supervision, Visualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- APS Observer with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Nadica Miljković contributed to
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary - Serbian Translation with Validation
Ryan A. Millager contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Jacob F. Miranda contributed to
- Team Cohesion as Project co-lead
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Belay Moges contributed to
Team Website as Project manager
Maria Montefinese contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
David Moreau contributed to
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation and Project Manager
- Landscape with Data curation
Nadja Moser contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Ross Mounce contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft
Kellen Mrkva contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Jennifer Murphy contributed to
Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
Joshua Muthu contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Niyatee Narkar contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Monika Nemcova contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
William X. Ngiam contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Lea Nobbe contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Writing - review & editing
Emma Norris contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Jiří Nádvorník contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Rían O Mahoney contributed to
Reversals & Replications with Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing and Project Manager
Aoife O’Mahony contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Landscape with Data curation
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Resources and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation and Investigation
Yvonne Oberholzer contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Catia M. Oliveira contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Methodology, Resources, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
Jørgen Ø. Olsnes contributed to
Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
Seun Olufemi contributed to
Team Website as Project manager
Danna Oomen contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Supervision
Amy Orben contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Conceptualization
Julian Packheiser contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Shubham Pandey contributed to
- Team Summaries as Project manager
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Hugh Panton contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Frank Papenmeier contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Adam J. Parker contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Sam Parsons contributed to
- Team Database as Project co-lead
- Team Glossary | Phase 1 as Project co-lead
- Team Ethics as Project co-lead
- Team Website as Project co-lead
- Team Manuscript/Manifesto as Project lead
- Team Clusters as Project co-lead
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Funding acquisition
- BMC Pedagogical Communities with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Funding acquisition
- FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Conceptualization and Supervision
- FORRT’s Clusters with Data curation and Investigation
- Glossary with Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Validation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Mariola Paruzel-Czachura contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Mariella Paul contributed to
- Landscape with Data curation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Yuri G. Pavlov contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Zoran Pavlović contributed to
- Glossary - Serbian Translation with Validation
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Investigation, Resources and Project Manager
- Reversals & Replications with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
Charlotte R. Pennington contributed to
- Team Mapping Open Science Organizations as Project co-lead
- Team Replication Crisis Paper as Project co-lead
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Landscape with Data curation
- Impact on students with Investigation, Resources, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- BMC Pedagogical Communities with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- International Initiatives to Enhance Awareness and Uptake of Open Research in Psychology with Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
Jenny M. Phan contributed to
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - review & editing
- APS Observer with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Academic Wheel of Privilege with Writing - review & editing
- Autism & Open Science with Writing - review & editing
Jade S. Pickering contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Merle-Marie Pittelkow contributed to
- Impact on students with Methodology and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Willem Plomp contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Paul E. Plonski contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Christina Pomareda contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Madeleine Pownall contributed to
- Team Lesson Plans | Phase 1 as Project co-lead
- Promoting Open Science Teaching: A Positive, Inclusive and Participatory Program for
Educators (POST-Edu) as Project co-lead
- Team Impact on Students as Project co-lead
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- BMC Pedagogical Communities with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- CERES Manuscript with Conceptualization, Project administration, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Ekaterina Pronizius contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Andrew Pua contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Outreach with Conceptualization and Software
Danka Purić contributed to
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary - Serbian Translation with Validation
Katarzyna Pypno-Blajda contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Kimberly Quinn contributed to
- Team Ethics as Project co-lead
- Academic Wheel of Privilege with Writing - review & editing
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
Thipparapu Rajesh contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Anusha V. Ramji contributed to
- Autism & Open Science with Writing - review & editing
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Manuel Rausch contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Robert Reason contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Data curation
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Tobias R. Rebholz contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Graham Reid contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Elena Richert contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Lydia Riedl contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft
Eike M. Rinke contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Sonia Rishi contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Anamara Ritt-Olson contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Conceptualization and Writing - review & editing
Olly M. Robertson contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
Dominique G. Roche contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Timo B. Roettger contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Robert M. Ross contributed to
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Formal analysis, Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Resources and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation and Resources
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Colleen Russo Johnson contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Conceptualization
Jan P. Röer contributed to
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Autism & Open Science with Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Lukas Röseler contributed to
- FReD (FORRT Replication Database) as Project co-lead
- Team Replication Hub as Project co-lead
- Reversals & Replications with Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Software and Project Manager
- FReD R package with Conceptualization and Software
- FORRT Replication Database with Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing and Project Coordinator
Shanu Sadhwani contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft
Sarah A. Sauve contributed to
- Team Citation Politics as Project co-lead
- Landscape with Data curation
Mirijam Schaaf contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Writing - review & editing
Kathleen Schmidt contributed to
- Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Birgit Schmidt contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Jürgen Schneider contributed to Landscape with Data curation
Nina R. Schwarzbacch contributed to
FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Resources
Nina Schwarzbach contributed to
Team JUST-OS as Project co-lead
Astrid Schütz contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Funding acquisition, Supervision and Project Manager
Leonardo Seda contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Christian Seida contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Formal analysis, Software and Project Manager
Nuño Sempere contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Owen N. Shahim contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Sabrina Shajeen Shajeen Alam contributed to
CERES Manuscript with Writing - review & editing
John J. Shaw contributed to
- Team Ideas as Project co-lead
- Team Curations as Project lead
- FORRT as Community manager
- Team Neurodiversity as Project co-lead
- APS Observer with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Autism & Open Science with Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Resources, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Neurodivergent Authors Database with Conceptualization, Data curation and Funding acquisition
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
Priya Silverstein contributed to
FORRT’s Clusters with Writing - review & editing
Vojin M. Simunović contributed to
Glossary - Serbian Translation with Validation
Leher Singh contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Magda Skubera contributed to
- Team Mapping Open Science Organizations as Project co-lead
- Team Feedback as Project co-lead
- Landscape with Data curation
- International Initiatives to Enhance Awareness and Uptake of Open Research in Psychology with Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software, Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Aleksandrina Skvortsova contributed to
- Team Summaries as Project co-lead
- Reversals & Replications with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
- FORRT Replication Database with Data curation, Investigation and Project Manager
Hannah R. Slack contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Martina Sladekova contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - original draft
Roksana Sobolak contributed to
Team Feedback as Project co-lead
Matthias F. Sperl contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation and Resources
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Lisa Spitzer contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Landscape with Data curation
Fernando Steeb contributed to
Team Summaries as Project manager
Crystal Steltenpohl contributed to
- Academic Wheel of Privilege with Writing - review & editing
- FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Project administration and Resources
Jeffrey R. Stevens contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Suzanne L. Stewart contributed to
- Landscape with Data curation and Investigation
- Impact on students with Investigation and Writing - original draft
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Andrew J. Stewart contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Justin Sulik contributed to
Academic Wheel of Privilege with Conceptualization, Methodology, Software and Writing - review & editing
Barnabas Szaszi contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Alvin W. Tan contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Jenny Terry contributed to
- Impact on students with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft
Isaac T. Thornton contributed to Landscape with Data curation
J. Lukas Thürmer contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Resources
Marina Tiulpakova contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Ana Todorovic contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Johanna Tomczak contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Marta K. Topor contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Aleksandra Tołopiło contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Burak Tunca contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Samantha L. Tyler contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
Bita Vahdani contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Beatrice Valentini contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Micah L. Vandegrift contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Norbert Vanek contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft
Wolf Vanpaemel contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Tugce Varol contributed to
- Landscape with Data curation and Investigation
- Outreach with Conceptualization, Resources and Visualization
Martin R. Vasilev contributed to
- Impact on students with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
Leigh Ann Vaughn contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation and Resources
Myrthe Vel Tromp contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
Steven Verheyen contributed to
- Impact on students with Resources and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation and Resources
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Felipe Vilanova contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Gerald H. Vineyard contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - original draft
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Obrad Vučkovac contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Jordan Wagge contributed to
- Team Curations as Project lead
- Team Ambassador as Project lead
- Academic Wheel of Privilege with Writing - review & editing
Daniel Walker contributed to
Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
Lukas Wallrich contributed to
- FReD (FORRT Replication Database) as Project co-lead
- FORRT as Community manager
- Team Replication Hub as Project co-lead
- Team Website as Project co-lead
- Team Credit as Project manager
- Team Website as Project co-lead
- Getting Started with FORRT with Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Project administration, Software and Project Manager
- FReD R package with Conceptualization and Software
- FORRT Replication Database with Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing - review & editing and Project Coordinator
Yin Wang contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
Kayleigh L. Warrington contributed to
- Team Neurodiversity as Project co-lead
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - review & editing
- Autism & Open Science with Writing - review & editing
Lucia Weber contributed to
FORRT Replication Database with Data curation
Arnon Weinberg contributed to
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Markus Weinmann contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Josefina Weinorova contributed to
Team Mapping Open Science Organizations as Project co-lead
Yanna Weisberg contributed to
- Team Cohesion as Project co-lead
- Impact on students with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Samuel J. Westwood contributed to
- BMC Pedagogical Communities with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Writing - review & editing
Brendan Williams contributed to Landscape with Data curation
Emily A. Williams contributed to
Glossary with Writing - review & editing
Emma Wilson contributed to
- Landscape with Data curation
- Neurodivergent Authors Database with Formal analysis
Tobias Wingen contributed to
- Impact on students with Resources and Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
Julia K. Wolska contributed to
- Glossary with Writing - review & editing
- Outreach with Conceptualization, Investigation and Visualization
- Landscape with Methodology and Project Manager
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Amanda Woodward contributed to
Team Summaries as Project manager
Eliza A. Woodward contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft
Qinyu Xiao contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Zhiqi Xu contributed to
- Team Open Science in Developing Countries as Project co-lead
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Project administration, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Yuki Yamada contributed to
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Yu-Fang Yang contributed to
- Team Summaries as Project co-lead
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Siu Kit Yeung contributed to
- Autism & Open Science with Conceptualization, Project administration, Supervision, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Conceptualization, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
- Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Formal analysis, Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
Shijun Yu contributed to
Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
Rashid A. Zafir contributed to
Replication Paper with Writing - review & editing
Mirela Zaneva contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Autism & Open Science with Writing - review & editing
- Landscape with Data curation and Investigation
- Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing
- Participatory Research Primer (BPS) with Writing - review & editing
- Impact on students with Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation and Resources
David Zimmermann contributed to
- Reversals & Replications with Investigation
- FORRT Replication Database with Investigation
Alyssa H. Zisk contributed to
Neurodiversity Annotated Reading List with Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Validation and Writing - review & editing
Olmo R. van den Akker contributed to
Glossary with Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Michiel van der Ree contributed to
FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Resources
Madelief van der Velden contributed to
FORRT’s Curated Resrouces with Resources
Asil A. Özdoğru contributed to
Open Science in Developing Countries with Data curation, Investigation, Writing - original draft and Writing - review & editing
Iris Žeželj contributed to
- Glossary - Serbian Translation with Validation
- Open Science in Developing Countries with Investigation and Writing - review & editing