66th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar


In September 2022 the Helmholtz Association adopted a new Open Science Policy. The policy stipulates that scholarly publications, research data, and research software are published openly in Helmholtz, Germany’s largest research performing organization. In doing so, the policy takes up the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science and relates to the EU Commission’s open science funding policy in the current Horizon Europe research framework program.

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, also approved a new policy for open science in September 2022. This policy aims to make all CERN research fully accessible, inclusive, democratic and transparent, both to other researchers and to wider society, and thus also refers to UNESCO’s Recommendation on Open Science.

The 66th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar was dedicated to the topic of the creation, design, and implementation of Open Science Policies with contributions from CERN and the Helmholtz Open Science Office, and was opened with a welcome address by Lutz Möller, Deputy Secretary-General of the German Commission for UNESCO.

Link to resource: https://os.helmholtz.de/en/events/online-seminars/66th-online-seminar/

Type of resources: Reading, Lecture Slides, Seminar Recording

Education level(s): College / Upper Division (Undergraduates), Graduate / Professional

Primary user(s): Student, Teacher

Subject area(s): Physical Science

Language(s): English