Teaching the why and how of replication studies


Psychological science is in the midst of a “credibility crisis” in which its practitioners re-examine their practices and re-define what constitutes study rigor. Replication studies have formed a critical role in motivating this sense of crisis – a sense of crisis that has led directly to the current movement to improve psychological science through a “credibility revolution”.

Despite this important role, when I was invited to hold a virtual two-day, 10-hour workshop on replication studies for the students and faculty of the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology at ISCTE in Lisbon, I realized that I did not have any ready-made teaching materials on this important topic. This blog shares the guiding principles of the workshop and my finished materials so that you, the reader, can learn from my experiences.

My workshop materials, including a syllabus, suggested readings, and exercises, are freely available at https://osf.io/m9bzh/

Link to resource: https://forrt.org/educators-corner/004-teaching-why-how-replication/

Type of resources: Full Course, Lecture, Lesson, Module, Reading, Syllabus, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Unit of Study, Workshop

Education level(s): College / Upper Division (Undergraduates), Graduate / Professional

Primary user(s): Teacher

Subject area(s): Education, Social Science

Language(s): English