Conceptual and Statistical Knowledge

1Economics 270D: Research Transparency Methods in the Social Sciences

This course coversa range of approachesthat aim to enhance the transparency and reproducibility of social science research. It is appropriate for Ph.D. students in social science disciplines and related fields.

A cautionary note on aggregation in educational psychology and beyond

This article addresses aggregation as a fundamental practice in educational psychology and ties it into the idiographic/nomothetic distinction, that is, distinguishing between studying what once was and studying what always is. I address the …

A critique of using the labels confirmatory and exploratory in modern psychological research

Psychological science is experiencing a rise in the application of complex statistical models and, simultaneously, a renewed focus on applying research in a confirmatory manner. This presents a fundamental conflict for psychological researchers as …

A Power Primer

One possible reason for the continued neglect of statistical power analysis in research in the behavioral sciences is the inaccessibility of or difficulty with the standard material. A convenient, although not comprehensive, presentation of required …

A proposal for a new editorial policy in the social sciences.

“… there's this desert prison, see, with an old prisoner, resigned to his life, and a young one just arrived. The young one talks constantly of escape, and, after a few months, he makes a break. He's gone a week, and then he's brought back by the …

A survey of the statistical power of research in behavioral ecology and animal behavior.

We estimated the statistical power of the first and last statistical test presented in 697 papers from 10 behavioral journals. First tests had significantly greater statistical power and reported more significant results (smaller p values) than did …

A systematic review of statistical power in software engineering experiments.

Statistical power is an inherent part of empirical studies that employ significance testing and is essential for the planning of studies, for the interpretation of study results, and for the validity of study conclusions. This paper reports a …

A. Solomon Kurz website

A blog posts about Bayesian statistics

Abandon statistical significance.

We discuss problems the null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) paradigm poses for replication and more broadly in the biomedical and social sciences as well as how these problems remain unresolved by proposals involving modified p-value …

Accuracy of effect size estimates from published psychological research

Monte-Carlo simulation was used to model the biasing of effect sizes in published studies. The findings from the simulation indicate that, when a predominant bias to publish studies with statistically significant results is coupled with inadequate …