Conceptual and Statistical Knowledge

Adjusting for Publication Bias in MetaAnalysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(5), 730–749.

We review and evaluate selection methods, a prominent class of techniques first proposed by Hedges (1984) that assess and adjust for publication bias in meta-analysis, via an extensive simulation study. Our simulation covers both restrictive settings …

All is well that replicates well: The replicability of reported moderation and interaction effects in leading organizational sciences journals.

We examine 244 independent tests of interaction effects published in recent issues of four leading journals in the organizational sciences in order to estimate the replicability of reported statistically significant interaction effects. A z-curve …

Always use Welch t-test

This is a blogpost describing why we should use Welch t-test instead of Student t-test

An assessment of the magnitude of effect sizes: Evidence from 30 years of meta-analysis in management.

This study compiles information from more than 250 meta-analyses conducted over the past 30 years to assess the magnitude of reported effect sizes in the organizational behavior (OB)/human resources (HR) literatures. Our analysis revealed an average …

An exploratory test for an excess of significant findings

Background The published clinical research literature may be distorted by the pursuit of statistically significant results. Purpose: We aimed to develop a test to explore biases stemming from the pursuit of nominal statistical significance. Methods …

Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences

This classic text on multiple regression is noted for its nonmathematical, applied, and data-analytic approach. Readers profit from its verbal-conceptual exposition and frequent use of examples.

Approaching psychology’s current crises by exploring the vagueness of psychological concepts: Recommendations for advancing the discipline.

Psychology is currently facing a multilayered crisis stemming from the fact that the results of many psychological studies cannot be replicated (replication crisis), that psychological research has neglected cross-cultural and cross-temporal …

ARIADNE - Scientific Resource Navigator

We have created a curated scientific resource navigator called ARIADNE that will guide researchers in the field of life sciences, especially those at the beginning of their career, through the process of conducting a transparent and reproducible …

At what sample size do correlations stabilize?

Sample correlations converge to the population value with increasing sample size, but the estimates are often inaccurate in small samples. In this report we use Monte-Carlo simulations to determine the critical sample size from which on the magnitude …

Bad Science log, post-Guardian

Blogs about bad science