Conceptual and Statistical Knowledge

Bradley Efron: Frequentist accuracy of Bayesian estimates

A video about Frequentist accuracy of Bayesian estimates

Calculating and reporting effect sizes to facilitate cumulative science: a practical primer for t-tests and ANOVAs

Effect sizes are the most important outcome of empirical studies. Most articles on effect sizes highlight their importance to communicate the practical significance of results. For scientists themselves, effect sizes are most useful because they …

Calculating the overlap of two normal distributions using monte carlo intergration

I read this post over at the blog Cartesian Faith about Probability and Monte Carlo methods. The post describe how to numerically intregate using Monte Carlo methods. I thought the results looked cool so I used the method to calculate the overlap of …

Campbell Open and Reproducible Science Syllabus

The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with recent developments in open science and reproducibility of the research workflow. By the end of this course students will be familiar with documenting their research workflow (e.g., idea …

Capstone: Advanced General

How do psychologists determine what is true and what is false about human behavior, affect, and cognition? The question encompasses more than we can know from a single study or even a single research paper, and the issues run deeper than just …

Change starts with journal editors: In response to Makel (2014).

The editors of the Journal of Advanced Academics comment on Makel (2014). The replicability crisis in psychology is summarized in terms of three focal issues: the “file drawer” problem, lack of replication studies, and the null hypothesis …

Chrome Book Data Science

Chromebook Data Science (CBDS) is a free, massive open online educational program offered through Leanpub to help anyone who can read, write, and use a computer to move into data science, the number one rated job.

Ciência aberta e reprodutível

Esta disciplina destina-se a alunos em níveis de Mestrado e Doutorado do Programade Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde: Cardiologia e Ciências Cardiovasculares e outros programas de pós-graduação. A disciplina está estruturada para promover discussão …

Cognitive Science StackExchange site (for psychology Q&A)

A website about questions on psychology

Common statistical tests are linear models (or: how to teach stats)

This document is summarised in the table below. It shows the linear models underlying common parametric and “non-parametric” tests. Formulating all the tests in the same language highlights the many similarities between them.