Conceptual and Statistical Knowledge

Consequences of prejudice against the null hypothesis.

Examined the consequences of prejudice against accepting the null hypothesis through (a) a mathematical model intended to stimulate the research-publication process and (b) case studies of apparent erroneous rejections of the null hypothesis in …

Conservative tests under satisficing models of publication bias.

Publication bias leads consumers of research to observe a selected sample of statistical estimates calculated by producers of research. We calculate critical values for statistical significance that could help to adjust after the fact for the …

Construct validation in social and personality research: Current practice and recommendations.

The verity of results about a psychological construct hinges on the validity of its measurement, making construct validation a fundamental methodology to the scientific process. We reviewed a representative sample of articles published in the Journal …

Continuously Cumulating Meta-Analysis and Replicability

The current crisis in scientific psychology about whether our findings are irreproducible was presaged years ago by Tversky and Kahneman (1971), who noted that even sophisticated researchers believe in the fallacious Law of Small Numbers—erroneous …

Correcting for Bias in Psychology: A Comparison of Meta-Analytic Methods

Publication bias and questionable research practices in primary research can lead to badly overestimated effects in meta-analysis. Methodologists have proposed a variety of statistical approaches to correct for such overestimation. However, it is not …

Correlational Effect Size Benchmarks

Effect size information is essential for the scientific enterprise and plays an increasingly central role in the scientific process. We extracted 147,328 correlations and developed a hierarchical taxonomy of variables reported in Journal of Applied …

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DAGitty is a browser-based environment for creating, editing, and analyzing causal diagrams (also known as directed acyclic graphs or causal Bayesian networks). The focus is on the use of causal diagrams for minimizing bias in empirical studies in …