Conceptual and Statistical Knowledge

Do Statistical Reporting Standards Affect What Is Published? Publication Bias in Two Leading Political Science Journals

We examine the APSR and the AJPS for the presence of publication bias due to reliance on the 0.05 significance level. Our analysis employs a broad interpretation of publication bias, which we define as the outcome that occurs when, for whatever …

Do studies of statistical power have an effect on the power of studies?

The long-term impact of studies of statistical power is investigated using J. Cohen's (1962) pioneering work as an example. We argue that the impact is nil; the power of studies in the same journal that Cohen reviewed (now the Journal of Abnormal …

Draft dated 2016-01-11; please see cuLearn for possible updatesp.1PSYC 5601:Contemporary Research in Personality

This course will provide a survey of current personality research and theorywith an emphasis on recent discussions around methods and scientific reporting. We will consider recent accomplishments, questions, and controversies in personality …

Dyadic Data Analysis (Methodology in the Social Sciences)

Interpersonal phenomena such as attachment, conflict, person perception, helping, and influence have traditionally been studied by examining individuals in isolation, which falls short of capturing their truly interpersonal nature. This book offers …

Economic Statistics with Calculus

A syllabus about economics and statistics

Effect Size and Power in Assessing Moderating Effects of Categorical Variables Using Multiple Regression: A 30-Year Review

The authors conducted a 30-year review (1969-1998) of the size of moderating effects of categorical variables as assessed using multiple regression. The median observed effect size (f(2)) is only .002, but 72% of the moderator tests reviewed had …

Effect Size Estimates: Current Use, Calculations, and Interpretation

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (American Psychological Association, 2001, 2010) calls for the reporting of effect sizes and their confidence intervals. Estimates of effect size are useful for determining the …

Effect Size Estimation in Neuroimaging.

A central goal of translational neuroimaging is to establish robust links between brain measures and clinical outcomes. Success hinges on the development of brain biomarkers with large effect sizes. With large enough effects, a measure may be …

Effect size guidelines for individual differences researchers

Individual differences researchers very commonly report Pearson correlations between their variables of interest. Cohen (1988) provided guidelines for the purposes of interpreting the magnitude of a correlation, as well as estimating power. …

Effect sizes and p values: What should be reported and what should be replicated?

Despite publication of many well-argued critiques of null hypothesis testing (NHT), behavioral science researchers continue to rely heavily on this set of practices. Although we agree with most critics' catalogs of NHT's flaws, this article also …