
1Economics 270D: Research Transparency Methods in the Social Sciences

This course coversa range of approachesthat aim to enhance the transparency and reproducibility of social science research. It is appropriate for Ph.D. students in social science disciplines and related fields.

A Plea for Preregistration in Personality Disorders Research: The Case of Psychopathy

In response to a crisis of confidence, several methodological initiatives have been launched to improve the robustness of psychological science. Given its real-world implications, personality disorders research is all too important to not follow …

A primer for choosing, designing and evaluating registered reports for qualitative methods

Registered reports are a publication format that involves peer reviewing studies both before and after carrying out research procedures. Although registered reports were originally developed to combat challenges in quantitative and confirmatory study …

A step-by-step guide on preregistration and effective data sharing for psychopathology research

Data analysis in psychopathology research typically entails multiple stages of data preprocessing (e.g., coding of physiological measures), statistical decisions (e.g., inclusion of covariates), and reporting (e.g., selecting which variables best …

A survey on how preregistration affects the research workflow: better science but more work

The preregistration of research protocols and analysis plans is a main reform innovation to counteract confirmation bias in the social and behavioural sciences. While theoretical reasons to preregister are frequently discussed in the literature, the …

A Unified Framework to Quantify the Credibility of Scientific Findings

Societies invest in scientific studies to better understand the world and attempt to harness such improved understanding to address pressing societal problems. Published research, however, can be useful for theory or application only if it is …

Adapting open science and pre-registration to longitudinal research

Open science practices, such as pre-registration and data sharing, increase transparency and may improve the replicability of developmental science. However, developmental science has lagged behind other fields in implementing open science practices. …

Adapting open science and pre-registration to longitudinal research

Open science practices, such as pre-registration and data sharing, increase transparency and may improve the replicability of developmental science. However, developmental science has lagged behind other fields in implementing open science practices. …

Agape Open Science MOOC

In this course, we will introduce you to the world of open science. Perhaps you are familiar with some of the concepts and ideas of open science or maybe the open science movement is completely new to you. Whatever your current understanding is, we …

Are Preregistration and Registered Reports Vulnerable to Hacking?

Preregistration of study hypotheses has been proclaimed as the “revolution”1 to curb publication bias and data dredging such as p-hacking and HARKing, i.e., hypothesizing after results are known. Many publishers encourage preregistration in their …