
On Not Confusing the Tree of Trustworthy Statistics with the Greater Forest of Good Science: A Comment on Simmons et al.’s Perspective on Pre-registration

In this commentary on Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn (this issue), we examine their rationale for pre-registration within the broader perspective of what good science is. We agree that there is potential benefit in a system of pre-registration if …

On the Use and Misuses of Preregistration: A Reply to Klonsky (2024)

In his commentary, Klonsky (2024) outlines several arguments for why preregistration mandates (PRMs) will have a negative impact on the field. Klonsky’s overarching concern is that when preregistration ceases to be a tool for research and becomes an …

Open and Reproducible Methods Syllabus

This course will examine current controversies and new developments in research methods in psychology. The goal of the course is to learn to think critically about how psychological science is conducted and how conclusions are drawn. We will cover …

Open and Reproducible Research in Psychology

Psychological research is in the midst of what has been called the “replication crisis”, in which questions have been raised about the validity of even seminal research findings. How can we tell if the research we’re reading and doing is rigorous and …

Open and reproducible science

This course is designed to be delivered to master and doctoral students at the Universidade Federaldo Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The structure is organized to (1) provide basic skills to enhance overall transparency and methodological …

Open for Insight (Experimental Methods + Open Science)

A syllabus about open science and experimental methods

Open Scholarship Norms Among Education Researchers

The Open Scholarship Survey (OSS) was administered to education researchers between Fall 2020-Summer 2022.The figures below summarize these respondents’ attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions about six core openscholarship practices: …

Open Science & Inclusive Psychology

This course is an introduction to the Open Science approach to psychology. We will investigate if how the field has experienced a “replicability crisis” and explore the potential structural and methodological factors that may be creating false …

Open Science and Methodological Improvements

In recent years, meta-research methods issues (e.g., reproducibility, open science, etc.) have yielded provocative findings, vigorous discussions, and novel innovations. This course will engage with these issues in ways that are primarily practical, …

Open Science interventions to improve reproducibility and replicability of research: a scoping review preprint

Various interventions – especially those related to open science – have been proposed to improve the reproducibility and replicability of scientific research. To assess whether and which interventions have been formally tested for their effectiveness …