
Opening open science to all: Demystifying reproducibility and transparency practices in linguistic research

In recent years, numerous fields of research have seen a push for increased reproducibility and transparency practices. As a result, specific transparency practices have emerged, such as open access publishing, preregistration, sharing data, …

ORCC UKRN Primer on Working in Open Research

This is an introductory guide for those working and considering working in the area of open research. It was drafted by members of the Open Research Competencies Coalition. There are many resources available on the topic of open research either aimed …

Oxford-Berlin Open Research summer school 2019

This projects contains materials from lectures and workshops associated with the Oxford-Berlin Open Research Summer School 2019.

P-Hacking and Other Problems in Psychology Research

What's wrong with the social sciences? In this episode, Massimo and Julia are joined by Professor Daniel Lakens from the Eindhoven University of Technology, who studies psychology and blogs about research methods and open science. The three discuss …


PANGEA is the first power analysis program for general ANOVA designs (e.g., Winer, Brown, & Michels, 1991). PANGEA can handle designs with any number of factors, each with any number of levels; any factor can be treated as fixed or random; and any …

Paths in strange spaces: A comment on preregistration

This is an archived version of a blog post on preregistration. The first half of the post argues that there is not a strong justification for preregistration as a tool to solve problems with statistical inference (p-hacking); the second half argues …

PBFJ Editorial … Engaging with responsible science. “OPEN FOR BUSINESS” – Launching the PBFJ pre-registration publication initiative

This editorial note is an “action-based” follow-up to the previous PBFJ Editorial published in September 2021 … “A Declaration about Responsible Science” (Faff, 2021a). In that prior editorial, I made a very clear statement that “PBFJ is moving on a …

Perspectives on Improving Methods in Psychological Science

A syllabus about open science

Philosophical Psychology 1989

P. E. Meehl did first 10 sessions (Winter Quarter, Jan–Mar 1989). In the Spring Quarter, several other department members lectured on various topics. Then PEM did last two sessions (5/25/89 and 6/1/89).

Practical guides on open science for researchers in the Netherlands

A recently published series of open science guides help researchers in the Netherlands navigate open science. They cover topics such as pre-prints, open licenses, questionable publication practices (forthcoming) and how to apply open science in …