
Open Science Seminar: How to do credible research with a high informational value (and how not to do it)

Students have an overview about the "historical" developments and debates of the replication movement in the last years, understand questionable research practices (QRPs) and publication bias and how their prevalence distorts the scientific …

Open Science Training Handbook

Github Repository for the Open Science Training Handbook

Open Science Workshop Materials of the LMU Open Science Center

Open Science workshop materials created at LMU Munich, available for everyone under a CC-BY license. Look in the README folder for more information.

Open science: many hands make light work

Open science has been highlighted as one of the priorities of the Dutch presidency of the European Union in 2016. Matthew Dovey discusses the motivations behind the open science movement and why initiatives to support it are more important than ever. …

Open, rigorous and reproducible research: A practitioner’s handbook

This book starts from the premise that there is a lot we can all do to increase the benefits of research. Let’s consider the main limitations of research that is not carried out and shared in an open, transparent, and reproducible way: If papers …

Opening open science to all: Demystifying reproducibility and transparency practices in linguistic research

In recent years, numerous fields of research have seen a push for increased reproducibility and transparency practices. As a result, specific transparency practices have emerged, such as open access publishing, preregistration, sharing data, …

Opinion: Promoting open science

Many scientific fields are facing a reproducibility crisis, revealed where replication fails to reproduce findings from previous work. This irreproducibility leads to the promulgation of inappropriate evidence.

ORCC UKRN Primer on Working in Open Research

This is an introductory guide for those working and considering working in the area of open research. It was drafted by members of the Open Research Competencies Coalition. There are many resources available on the topic of open research either aimed …

Oxford-Berlin Open Research summer school 2019

This projects contains materials from lectures and workshops associated with the Oxford-Berlin Open Research Summer School 2019.


PANGEA is the first power analysis program for general ANOVA designs (e.g., Winer, Brown, & Michels, 1991). PANGEA can handle designs with any number of factors, each with any number of levels; any factor can be treated as fixed or random; and any …