Preregistration, the open science practice of specifying and registering details of a planned study prior to knowing the data, increases the transparency and reproducibility of research. Large-scale replication attempts for psychological …
Recent psychological research suggests that many published studies cannot be replicated (e.g., Open Science Collaboration, 2015). The inability to replicate results suggests that there are influences and biases in the publication process that …
This course will examine current controversies and new developments in research methods in psychology. The goal of the course is to learn to think critically about how psychological science is conducted and how conclusions are drawn. We will cover …
This seminar will address issues relevant to the current controversy over the reliability of psychological research, a controversy which seems to be white-hot right now. Topics will include (but not be limited to)
- Critiques of the current science, …
Ledgerwood (1) argues that there are two independent uses of preregistration that are conflated in Nosek et al. (2) and elsewhere: “Preregistering theoretical predictions enables theory falsifiability. Preregistering analysis plans enables type I …
Psychological science has been going through a crisis of confidence concerning theveracity of the findings that serve as the foundation to our field. This seminar willcover the problems of reproducibility and replicability in psychological science, …
Science is undergoing a paradigm shift in the way research is conducted and what is considered evidence. Psychology is leading other disciplines in innovative methods to address concerns related to replication and transparency by creating …
Broad-based philosophical and methodological perspectives on conducting and interpreting psychological research; considers basic, applied, and translational research, laboratory- and field-based research, and experimental, quasi-experimental, …