
The past, present and future of Registered Reports

Registered Reports are a form of empirical publication in which study proposals are peer reviewed and pre-accepted before research is undertaken. By deciding which articles are published based on the question, theory and methods, Registered Reports …

The Preregistration Prescriptiveness Trade-Off and Unknown Unknowns in Science: Comments on Van Drimmelen (2023)

I discuss Van Drimmelen’s (2023) Metascience2023 presentation on researchers’ decision making during the research process. In particular, I consider his evidence that researchers’ discretion over research decisions is unavoidable when they follow …

The preregistration revolution

Progress in science relies in part on generating hypotheses with existing observations and testing hypotheses with new observations. This distinction between postdiction and prediction is appreciated conceptually but is not respected in practice. …

The preregistration revolution needs to distinguish between predictions and analyses

Nosek et al. (1) recently joined others in advocating for “widespread adoption of preregistration” as a tool for advancing science. The language they use in making this important argument, however, creates unnecessary confusion: Like many others …

The Problem of New Evidence: P-Hacking and Pre-Analysis Plans

We provide a novel articulation of the epistemic peril of p-hacking using three resources from philosophy: predictivism, Bayesian confirmation theory, and model selection theory. We defend a nuanced position on p-hacking: p-hacking is sometimes, but …

The promises and pitfalls of preregistration | Day 1

The promises and pitfalls of preregistration

The promises and pitfalls of preregistration | Day 2

The promises and pitfalls of preregistration

The societal impact of Open Science–a scoping review

Open Science (OS) aims, in part, to drive greater societal impact of academic research. Government, funder and institutional policies state that it should further democratise research and increase learning and awareness, evidence-based policy-making, …

The transparency of quantitative empirical legal research published in highly ranked law journals (2018–2020): an observational study

Background: Scientists are increasingly concerned with making their work easy to verify and build upon. Associated practices include sharing data, materials, and analytic scripts, and preregistering protocols. This shift towards increased …

The value of preregistration for psychological science: A conceptual analysis

For over two centuries researchers have been criticized for using research practices that makes it easier to present data in line with what they wish to be true. With the rise of the internet it has become easier to preregister the theoretical and …