Adversarial collaboration

Definition: A collaboration where two or more researchers with opposing or contradictory theoretical views — a nd likely diverging predictions about study results— work together on one project. The aim is to minimise biases and methodological weaknesses as well as to establish a shared base of facts for which competing theories must account.

Related terms: Collaboration, Many Analysts, Many Labs, Preregistration, Publication bias (File Drawer Problem)

Reference: Bateman et al. (2005); Cowan et al. (2020); Kerr et al. (2018); Mellers et al. (2001); Rakow et al. ( 2014 )

Drafted and Reviewed by: Siu Kit Yeung, Matt Jaquiery, Aoife O’Mahony, Charlotte R. Pennington, Flávio Azevedo, Madeleine Pownall , Martin Vasilev

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