Universal design for learning (UDL)

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Definition: A framework for improving learning and optimising teaching based upon scientific insights of how humans learn. It aims to make learning inclusive and transformative for all people in which the focus is on catering to the differing needs of different students. It is often regarded as an evidence-based and scientifically valid framework to guide educational practice, consisting of three key principles: engagement, representation, and action and expression. In addition, UDL is included in the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (Edyburn, 2010).

Related terms: Equal opportunities, Inclusivity, Pedagogy, Teaching practice

Reference: Hitchcock et al. (2002); Rose (2000); Rose and Meyer (2002)

Drafted and Reviewed by: Charlotte R. Pennington, Valeria Agostini, Mahmoud Elsherif, Graham Reid, Mirela Zaneva, Flávio Azevedo ### — ### V {#v}

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