Participatory Research

Definition: Participatory research refers to incorporating the views of people from relevant communities in the entire research process to achieve shared goals between researchers and the communities. This approach takes a collaborative stance that seeks to reduce the power imbalance between the researcher and those researched through a “systematic cocreation of new knowledge” (Andersson, 2018).

Related terms: Collaborative research, <a href='/glossary/inclusion/'>Inclusion</a>, Neurodiversity, <a href='/glossary/patient-and-public-involvement-ppi/'>Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)</a>, Transformative paradigm

References: Cornwall and Jewkes (1995), Fletcher-Watson et al. (2019), Kiernan (1999), Leavy (2017), Ottmann et al. (2011), & Rose (2018)

Drafted and Reviewed by: Tamara Kalandadze, Jamie P. Cockcroft, Bethan Iley, Halil E. Kocalar, Michele C. Lim

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