
7 Easy Steps to Open Science: An Annotated Reading List

The Open Science movement is rapidly changing the scientific landscape. Because exact definitions are often lacking and reforms are constantly evolving, accessible guides to open science are needed. This paper provides an introduction to open science …

A Case For Data Dashboards: First Steps with R Shiny

Dashboards for data visualisation, such as R Shiny and Tableau, allow an interactive exploration of data by means of drop-down lists and checkboxes, with no coding for the user. The apps can be useful for both the data analyst and the public.

A funder-imposed data publication requirement seldom inspired data sharing

Growth of the open science movement has drawn significant attention to data sharing and availability across the scientific community. In this study, we tested the ability to recover data collected under a particular funder-imposed requirement of …

A minimal metadata set (MNMS) to repurpose nonclinical in vivo data for biomedical research

Although biomedical research is experiencing a data explosion, the accumulation of vast quantities of data alone does not guarantee a primary objective for science: building upon existing knowledge. Data collected that lack appropriate metadata …

A pathway to strengthening open science: comments on the draft South African Ethics in Health Research Guidelines

The recently released draft South African Ethics in Health Research Guidelines: Principles, Processes and Structures (Draft Guidelines) by the National Health Research Ethics Council recognize open data and provide guiding principles for this in the …

A study of the impact of data sharing on article citations using journal policies as a natural experiment

This study estimates the effect of data sharing on the citations of academic articles, using journal policies as a natural experiment. We begin by examining 17 high-impact journals that have adopted the requirement that data from published articles …

An Introduction to Registered Reports for the Research Funder Community

In this webinar, Doctors David Mellor (Center for Open Science) and Stavroula Kousta (Nature Human Behavior) discuss the Registered Reports publishing workflow and the benefits it may bring to funders of research. Dr. Mellor details the workflow and …

An open investigation of the reproducibility of cancer biology research

It is widely believed that research that builds upon previously published findings has reproduced the original work. However, it is rare for researchers to perform or publish direct replications of existing results. The Reproducibility Project: …

An Open Science Primer for Social Scientists

“Open Science” has become a buzzword in academic circles. However, exactly what it means, why you should care about it, and – most importantly – how it can be put into practice is often not very clear to researchers. In this session of the SSDL, we …

Análisis y visualización de datos usando Python

Python es un lenguaje de programación general que es útil para escribir scripts para trabajar con datos de manera efectiva y reproducible. Esta es una introducción a Python diseñada para participantes sin experiencia en programación. Estas lecciones …