
Genomics Workshop Overview

Workshop overview for the Data Carpentry genomics curriculum. Data Carpentry’s aim is to teach researchers basic concepts, skills, and tools for working with data so that they can get more done in less time, and with less pain. This workshop teaches …

Geospatial Workshop Overview

Data Carpentry’s aim is to teach researchers basic concepts, skills, and tools for working with data so that they can get more done in less time, and with less pain. Interested in teaching these materials? We have an onboarding video available to …

Graduate students need more quantitative methods support

Graduate students in psychology need hands-on support to conduct research using quantitative techniques that exceed their curricular training. If supervisors are not willing or able to provide this support, student-led projects must be redesigned to …

How to Use OSF as an Electronic Lab Notebook

This webinar outlines how to use the free Open Science Framework (OSF) as an Electronic Lab Notebook for personal work or private collaborations. Fundamental features we cover include how to record daily activity, how to store images or arbitrary …

Image Processing with Python

This lesson shows how to use Python and skimage to do basic image processing. With support from an NSF iUSE grant, Dr. Tessa Durham Brooks and Dr. Mark Meysenburg at Doane College, Nebraska, USA have developed a curriculum for teaching image …

Intro to Calculating Confidence Intervals

This video will introduce how to calculate confidence intervals around effect sizes using the MBESS package in R. All materials shown in the video, as well as content from our other videos, can be found here:

Intro to R and RStudio for Genomics

Welcome to R! Working with a programming language (especially if it’s your first time) often feels intimidating, but the rewards outweigh any frustrations. An important secret of coding is that even experienced programmers find it difficult and …

Introducing the National Open Research Training Programme

In this blog post, Dr Dermot Lynott, Assistant Professor in Psychology at Maynooth University, and Lead Investigator on the NORF-funded National Open Research Training Programme introduces the work of the project and its overall goals for open …

Introduction to Cloud Computing for Genomics

Data Carpentry lesson to learn how to work with Amazon AWS cloud computing and how to transfer data between your local computer and cloud resources. The cloud is a fancy name for the huge network of computers that host your favorite websites, stream …

Introduction to Geospatial Concepts

Data Carpentry lesson to understand data structures and common storage and transfer formats for spatial data. The goal of this lesson is to provide an introduction to core geospatial data concepts. It is intended for learners who have no prior …