Open Scholarship Guidelines

7 Easy Steps to Open Science: An Annotated Reading List

The Open Science movement is rapidly changing the scientific landscape. Because exact definitions are often lacking and reforms are constantly evolving, accessible guides to open science are needed. This paper provides an introduction to open science …

An Open Science Primer for Social Scientists

“Open Science” has become a buzzword in academic circles. However, exactly what it means, why you should care about it, and – most importantly – how it can be put into practice is often not very clear to researchers. In this session of the SSDL, we …

Citing and Being Cited: Data & Code Edition

Introduction to citations as a presentation. Citing data and code as well as getting citations for data and code.

Curate Science

Curate Science is a unified curation system and platform to verify that research is transparent and credible. It will allow researchers, journals, universities, funders, teachers, journalists, and the general public to ensure:- Transparency: Ensure …

Introduction to Research Data Management

An introduction to the concepts and best practices of research data management.

Open Science Toolbox

There is a vast body of helpful tools that can be used in order to foster Open Science practices. For reasons of clarity, this toolbox aims at providing only a selection of links to these resources and tools. Our goal is to give a short overview on …

Project Teaching Integrity in Empirical Research (TIER)

The Project Teaching Integrity in Empirical Research (TIER) develops methods and tools for enhancing research transparency through teaching. These can be used by faculty who teach quantitative methods or supervise student research. TIER further …

Template preregistration Registered Report

If you can answer these TEN questions you will have built the engine of a Stage 1 Registered Report.

Writing a Data Management Plan for Grant Applications

A class covering the basics of writing a successful data management plan for federal funding agencies such as the NEH, NSF, NIH, NASA, and others.