Open Science

Itā€™s Time to Broaden the Replicability Conversation: Thoughts for and From Clinical Psychological Science

Psychology is in the early stages of examining a crisis of replicability stemming from several high-profile failures to replicate studies in experimental psychology. This important conversation has largely been focused on social psychology, with some ā€¦

JPA Promotes Open Science

The scientiļ¬c endeavor is one in which the capacity to replicateļ¬ndings is a foundational tenant. It is unfortunate that therehave been a number of highly publicized cases over the pastdecade of scientists who have not practiced science with ā€¦

Let's Publish Fewer Papers

A paper about publishing few papers

Letā€™s celebrate Earth Day as the Age of Open Science

As Earth Day approaches, a day dedicated to both raising environmental awareness and celebrating environmental action, it can sometimes seem that there is more to worry about than to celebrate. Environmental awareness on Earth Day often involves ā€¦

Letā€™s Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Is: If Authors Are to Change Their Ways, Reviewers (and Editors) Must Change With Them

A number of scholars recently have argued for fundamental changes in the way psychological scientists conduct and report research. The behavior of researchers is influenced partially by incentive structures built into the manuscript evaluation ā€¦

Leveraging Open Ecosystems to Enhance Reproducible Workflows

Open source infrastructure has paved the way for mission-aligned research stakeholders to create a united vision of interoperable tools and services that accelerate scholarly communication, fill technology gaps, converge solutions, and enable access ā€¦

Likelihood of Null Effects of Large NHLBI Clinical Trials Has Increased over Time

Background: We explore whether the number of null results in large National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) funded trials has increased over time. Methods: We identified all large NHLBI supported RCTs between 1970 and 2012 evaluating drugs or ā€¦

Local Grassroots Networks Engaging Open Science in Their Communities

This recorded webinar features insights from international panelists currently nurturing culture change in research among their local communities.Representat...

Logical and methodological issues affecting genetic studies of humans reported in top neuroscience journals.

Genetics and neuroscience are two areas of science that pose particular methodological problems because they involve detecting weak signals (i.e., small effects) in noisy data. In recent years, increasing numbers of studies have attempted to bridge ā€¦

Making Prospective Registration of Observational Research a Reality

The vast majority of health-related observational studies are not prospectively registered and the advantages of registration have not been fully appreciated. Nonetheless, international standards require approval of study protocols by an independent ā€¦