This course will examine current controversies and new developments in research methods in psychology. The goal of the course is to learn to think critically about how psychological science is conducted and how conclusions are drawn. We will cover …
Psychological research is in the midst of what has been called the “replication crisis”, in which questions have been raised about the validity of even seminal research findings. How can we tell if the research we’re reading and doing is rigorous and …
This course is designed to be delivered to master and doctoral students at the Universidade Federaldo Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The structure is organized to (1) provide basic skills to enhance overall transparency and methodological …
The Programme aim is to accelerate the uptake of high quality open research practices. The Center for Open Science theory of change highlights five types of action that can promote change. This project is focused on making open research rewarded and, …
Scientific research communities pursue dual imperatives in implementing strategies to share their data. These communities attempt to maximize the accessibility of biomedical data for downstream research use, in furtherance of open science objectives. …
The field of microscopy has been empowering humankind for many centuries by enabling the observation of objects that are otherwise too small to detect for the naked human eye. Microscopy techniques can be loosely divided into three main branches, …
Education is not only about learning facts and skills but also about preparing students for active and successful participation in society. Traditional methods of teaching, however, may not always fully engage students or show them how their …
The Open Research Community Accelerator (ORCA) nurtures cross-sector coalitions to tackle the systems-level challenges that are impeding the adoption of open science at scale.
We are committed to this effort because a more intentional approach to …
There is a need for more nuanced and theoretically grounded analysis of the socio-political consequences of methodological reforms proposed by the open research movement. This paper contributes by utilising the theory of academic capitalism and …