Open Science

Preliminary analysis of COVID-19 academic information patterns: a call for open science in the times of closed borders

The Pandemic of COVID-19, an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 motivated the scientific community to work together in order to gather, organize, process and distribute data on the novel biomedical hazard. Here, we analyzed how the scientific …

Preregistration and Registered Reports in Sociology: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Other Considerations

Both within and outside of sociology, there are conversations about methods to reduce error and improve research quality—one such method is preregistration and its counterpart, registered reports. Preregistration is the process of detailing research …

Preregistration in diverse contexts: A preregistration template for the application of cognitive models

In recent years, open science practices have become increasingly popular in psychology and related sciences. These practices aim to increase rigour and transparency in science as a potential response to the challenges posed by the replication crisis. …

Preregistration Is Neither Sufficient nor Necessary for Good Science

To address widespread perceptions of a reproducibility crisis in the social sciences, a growing number of scholars recommend the systematic preregistration of empirical studies. The purpose of this article is to contribute to an epistemological …

Preregistration of Analyses of Preexisting Data

The preregistration of a study’s hypotheses, methods, and data-analyses steps is becoming a popular psychological research practice. To date, most of the discussion on study preregistration has focused on the preregistration of studies that include …

Preregistration of Modeling Exercises May Not Be Useful

This is a commentary on Lee et al.’s (2019) article encouraging preregistration of model development, fitting, and evaluation. While we are in general agreement with Lee et al.’s characterization of the modeling process, we disagree on whether …

Preregistration of Qualitative Research

In this webinar, Tamarinde Haven provides an overview of the process of preregistration in qualitative research. We review the process of preregistration, how we partnered with a community of qualitative researchers to develop a template for …

Preregistration of Studies with Existing Data

Preregistration of research plans is becoming an increasingly popular and common tool to enhance the transparency of a study’s methodology. In a preregistration, researchers document their research plans and register them to a public repository prior …

Priming, Replication, and the Hardest Science

Concerns have been raised recently about the replicability of behavioral priming effects, and calls have been issued to identify priming methodologies with effects that can be obtained in any context and with any population. I argue that such …

Prioritizing open science in space medicine: perspectives following the NASA “Transform to Open Science (TOPS)” Curriculum

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has recently made a long-term commitment towards fostering open science. The NASA Transform to Open Science (TOPS) initiative provides recommendations, best practices, and tools related to open …