Open Science

Badges to Acknowledge Open Practices: A Simple, Low-Cost, Effective Method for Increasing Transparency

Beginning January 2014, Psychological Science gave authors the opportunity to signal open data and materials if they qualified for badges that accompanied published articles. Before badges, less than 3% of Psychological Science articles reported open …

Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information

The research information landscape requires fundamental change. The signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information commit to taking a lead in transforming the way research information is used and produced. Openness of …

Benefits of Open and High-Powered Research Outweigh Costs

Several researchers recently outlined unacknowledged costs of open science practices, arguing these costs may outweigh benefits and stifle discovery of novel findings. We scrutinize these researchers’ (a) statistical concern that heightened …

Best practices in data analysis and sharing in neuroimaging using MRI

Given concerns about the reproducibility of scientific findings, neuroimaging must define best practices for data analysis, results reporting, and algorithm and data sharing to promote transparency, reliability and collaboration. We describe insights …

Best research practices in psychology: Illustrating epistemological and pragmatic considerations with the case of relationship science.

In recent years, a robust movement has emerged within psychology to increase the evidentiary value of our science. This movement, which has analogs throughout the empirical sciences, is broad and diverse, but its primary emphasis has been on the …

Biden-⁠Harris Administration Marks the Anniversary of OSTP’s Year of Open Science

One year ago, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) launched a Year of Open Science, announcing actions across the federal government to advance open, equitable, and secure research. Throughout 2023, federal agencies engaged …

Bite-Size Science and Its Undesired Side Effects

Short and rapid publication of research findings has many advantages. However, there is another side of the coin that needs careful consideration. We argue that the most dangerous aspect of a shift toward “bite-size” publishing is the relationship …

Boas práticas em ciência

Reprodutibilidade e replicabilidade de estudos científicos. Randomização, cegamento, planejamento amostral e pré-registro de projeto. Diferença entre estudos exploratórios e confirmatórios, P hacking, HARKing e double dipping. Práticas de …

Building transparency and reproducibility into the practice of pharmacoepidemiology and outcomes research

Real-world evidence (RWE) studies are increasingly used to inform policy and clinical decisions. However, there remain concerns about the credibility and reproducibility of RWE studies. While there is universal agreement on the critical importance of …

Campbell Open and Reproducible Science Syllabus

The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with recent developments in open science and reproducibility of the research workflow. By the end of this course students will be familiar with documenting their research workflow (e.g., idea …