Open Science

Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP) Portal

The Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP) provides an infrastructure for the promotion of open-science workflows and the sharing of neuroscience data. This platform brings together many of the country’s leading scientists in basic and clinical …

Cancer researchers’ experiences with and perceptions of research data sharing: Results of a cross-sectional survey

Background: Despite wide recognition of the benefits of sharing research data, public availability rates have not increased substantially in oncology or medicine more broadly over the last decade. Methods: We surveyed 285 cancer researchers to …

Capstone: Advanced General

How do psychologists determine what is true and what is false about human behavior, affect, and cognition? The question encompasses more than we can know from a single study or even a single research paper, and the issues run deeper than just …

Cargo cult science.

some remarks on science, pseudoscience, and learning how to not fool yourself. Caltech's 1974 commencement address

Catalyzing communities of research rigour champions

The biomedical sciences must maintain and enhance a research culture that prioritizes rigour and transparency. The US National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke convened a workshop entitled ‘Catalyzing Communities of Research Rigor …

Champions of Transparency in Education: What Journal Reviewers Can Do to Encourage Open Science Practices

As the field of education, and especially gifted education, gradually moves toward open science, our research community increasingly values transparency and openness brought by open science practices. Yet, individual researchers may be reluctant to …

Change starts with journal editors: In response to Makel (2014).

The editors of the Journal of Advanced Academics comment on Makel (2014). The replicability crisis in psychology is summarized in terms of three focal issues: the “file drawer” problem, lack of replication studies, and the null hypothesis …

Chaos in the brickyard

A paper about open science and novelty

ChatGPT teaches open science

I asked ChatGPT to talk about open science. This post is the unabridged conversation. ChatGPT is a trained algorithm using machine learning. It is what most would refer to as Artificial Intelligence. And intelligent it apparently is.

Choosing prediction over explanation in psychology: Lessons from machine learning.

Psychology has historically been concerned, first and foremost, with explaining the causal mechanisms that give rise to behavior. Randomized, tightly controlled experiments are enshrined as the gold standard of psychological research, and there are …