
Preregistration of Study Protocols Is Unlikely to Improve the Yield From Our Science, But Other Strategies Might

A recent workshop focused on the idea that protocols for nonrandomized studies should be registered in advance of their conduct. In reviewing the workshop report and publications citing it, I note a number of unfounded assumptions and little …

Preregistration Overview page

What is Preregistration? When you preregister your research, you're simply specifying your research plan in advance of your study and submitting it to a registry. Preregistration separates hypothesis-generating (exploratory) from hypothesis-testing …

Preregistration specificity & adherence: A review of preregistered gambling studies & cross-disciplinary comparison

Study preregistration is one of several “open science” practices (e.g., open data, preprints) that researchers use to improve the transparency and rigour of their research. As more researchers adopt preregistration as a regular research practice, …

Preregistration templates as a new addition to the evidence-based toxicology toolbox

In this editorial, we define the practice of “preregistration” of research and describe its motivations, explain why we believe preregistration templates should make preregistration more effective as an intervention for improving the quality of …

Preregistration, Replication, and Nonexperimental Studies

In last month’s column, I worried about whether encouraging us to preregister our hypotheses and analysis plan before running studies would stifle discovery. I came to the conclusion that it needn’t — but that we need to guard against letting the …

Preregistration: Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages, and How It Can Help Against Questionable Research Practices

Questionable research practices (QRPs), such as p-hacking (i.e., the inappropriate manipulation of data analysis to find statistical significance) and post hoc hypothesizing, are threats to the replicability of research findings. One key solution to …

Preregistration: Practical Considerations for Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Purpose: In the last decade, psychology and other sciences have implemented numerous reforms to improve the robustness of our research, many of which are based on increasing transparency throughout the research process. Among these reforms is the …

Promises and Perils of Pre-analysis Plans

The purpose of this paper is to help think through the advantages and costs of rigorous pre-specification of statistical analysis plans in economics. A pre-analysis plan pre-specifies in a precise way the analysis to be run before examining the data. …

Publication of NIH funded trials registered in Cross sectional analysis

Objective To review patterns of publication of clinical trials funded by US National Institutes of Health (NIH) in peer reviewed biomedical journals indexed by Medline. Design Cross sectional analysis. Setting Clinical trials funded by NIH and …

Publication rate in preclinical research: A plea for preregistration

Objectives The ultimate goal of biomedical research is the development of new treatment options for patients. Animal models are used if questions cannot be addressed otherwise. Currently, it is widely believed that a large fraction of performed …