Registered Reports

A primer for choosing, designing and evaluating registered reports for qualitative methods

Registered reports are a publication format that involves peer reviewing studies both before and after carrying out research procedures. Although registered reports were originally developed to combat challenges in quantitative and confirmatory study …

Analysis of Open Data and Computational Reproducibility in Registered Reports in Psychology

Ongoing technological developments have made it easier than ever before for scientists to share their data, materials, and analysis code. Sharing data and analysis code makes it easier for other researchers to re-use or check published research. …

Are Preregistration and Registered Reports Vulnerable to Hacking?

Preregistration of study hypotheses has been proclaimed as the “revolution”1 to curb publication bias and data dredging such as p-hacking and HARKing, i.e., hypothesizing after results are known. Many publishers encourage preregistration in their …

COS Registered Reports Portal

Registered Reports: Peer review before results are known to align scientific values and practices. Registered Reports is a publishing format used by over 250 journals that emphasizes the importance of the research question and the quality of …

Curtailing the Use of Preregistration: A Misused Term

Improving the usability of psychological research has been encouraged through practices such as prospectively registering research plans. Registering research aligns with the open-science movement, as the registration of research protocols in …

Deep Dive into Open Scholarship: Preregistration and Registered Reports

In this deep dive session, Amanda Montoya (UCLA) and Karen Rambo-Hernandez (Texas A&M University) introduce the basics of preregistration and Registered Reports: two methods for creating a permanent record of a research plan prior to conducting data …

Deep Dive on Open Practices: Understanding Registered Reports in Education Research

Deep Dive on Open Practices: Understanding Registered Reports in Education Research with Amanda Montoya and Betsy McCoach - Registered reports are a new publication mechanism where peer review and the decision to publish the results of a study occur …

Demystifying Open Science in health psychology and behavioral medicine: a practical guide to Registered Reports and Data Notes

Open Science practices are integral to increasing transparency, reproducibility, and accessibility of research in health psychology and behavioral medicine. Drives to facilitate Open Science practices are becoming increasingly evident in journal …

Demystifying Open Science in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: A Practical Guide to Registered Reports and Data Notes

Open Science practices are integral to increasing transparency, reproducibility and accessibility of research in health psychology and behavioral medicine. Drives to facilitate Open Science practices are becoming increasingly evident in journal …

Evaluating Registered Reports: A Naturalistic Comparative Study of Article Impact

Registered Reports (RRs) is a publishing model in which initial peer review is conducted prior to knowing the outcomes of the research. In-principle acceptance of papers at this review stage combats publication bias, and provides a clear distinction …