Statisticians have been keen to critique statistical aspects of the “replication crisis” in other scientific disciplines. But new statistical tools are often published and promoted without any thought to replicability. This needs to change, argue …
We examine 244 independent tests of interaction effects published in recent issues of four leading journals in the organizational sciences in order to estimate the replicability of reported statistically significant interaction effects. A z-curve …
The credibility revolution in social science has led to the recommendation and adoption of practices to increase the replicability of scientific findings. Many of the recommended practices, such as replication and preregistration, present unique …
Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) represents a promising approach to study cognitive aging. In contrast to laboratory-based studies, EMA involves the repeated sampling of experiences in daily life contexts, enabling investigators to gain access …
In recent years, numerous fields of research have seen a push for increased reproducibility and transparency practices. As a result, specific transparency practices have emerged, such as open access publishing, preregistration, sharing data, …
The preregistration of a study’s hypotheses, methods, and data-analyses steps is becoming a popular psychological research practice. To date, most of the discussion on study preregistration has focused on the preregistration of studies that include …
Preregistration of research plans is becoming an increasingly popular and common tool to enhance the transparency of a study’s methodology. In a preregistration, researchers document their research plans and register them to a public repository prior …
Throughout their education and when reading the scientific literature, students may get the impression that there is a unique and correct analysis strategy for every data analysis task and that this analysis strategy will always yield a significant …
Scientific code is different from production software. Scientific code, by producing results that are then analyzed and interpreted, participates in the elaboration of scientific conclusions. This imposes specific constraints on the code that are …
The older adult population in the U.S. is becoming increasingly diverse across a constellation of factors including ethnoracial group, socioeconomic status, and immigration status. However, our understanding of the consequences of this diversity for …