Software Carpentry lección para la terminal de Unix La terminal de Unix ha existido por más tiempo que la mayorÃa de sus usuarios. Ha sobrevivido tanto tiempo porque es una herramienta poderosa que permite a las personas hacer cosas complejas con …
Purpose: To introduce methods and tools in organization, documentation, automation, and dissemination of research that nudge it further along the reproducibility spectrum.OutcomeParticipants feel more confident applying reproducibility methods and …
Library Carpentry lesson: An introduction to Git. What We Will Try to Do Begin to understand and use Git/GitHub. You will not be an expert by the end of the class. You will probably not even feel very comfortable using Git. This is okay. We want to …
This Library Carpentry lesson introduces librarians and others to working with data. This Library Carpentry lesson introduces people with library- and information-related roles to working with data using regular expressions. The lesson provides …
Library Carpentry lesson: an introduction to OpenRefine for Librarians This Library Carpentry lesson introduces people working in library- and information-related roles to working with data in OpenRefine. At the conclusion of the lesson you will …
Library Carpentry, an introduction to SQL for Librarians This Library Carpentry lesson introduces librarians to relational database management system using SQLite. At the conclusion of the lesson you will: understand what SQLite does; use SQLite to …
Library Carpentry lesson to learn how to use the Shell. This Library Carpentry lesson introduces librarians to the Unix Shell. At the conclusion of the lesson you will: understand the basics of the Unix shell; understand why and how to use the …
Join us for a 30 minute guest webinar by Brandon Butler, Director of Information Policy at the University of Virginia. This webinar will introduce questions to think about when picking a license for your research. You can signal which license you …
This recorded webinar features insights from international panelists currently nurturing culture change in research among their local communities.Representat...
Headlines and scholarly publications portray a crisis in biomedical and health sciences. In this webinar, you will learn what the crisis is and the vital role of librarians in addressing it. You will see how you can directly and immediately support …