
Positionality Statements are just the tip of the Iceberg: Moving toward a Reflexive Process

In July 2020, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering (JWM) started requiring a positionality statement in each paper published. To the best of our knowledge, requiring a positionality statement at JWM is a first for a journal in …

Pre-registration in social psychology—A discussion and suggested template

Pre-registration of studies before they are conducted has recently become more feasible for researchers, and is encouraged by an increasing number of journals. However, because the practice of pre-registration is relatively new to psychological …

Preregistering, transparency, and large samples boost psychology studies’ replication rate to nearly 90%

So-called “rigor-enhancing practices” suggest behavioral science can be reliable—but not everyone is convinced.

Preregistration and Registered Reports in Sociology: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Other Considerations

Both within and outside of sociology, there are conversations about methods to reduce error and improve research quality—one such method is preregistration and its counterpart, registered reports. Preregistration is the process of detailing research …

Preregistration for Quantitative Research in Psychology Template

A template to use for pre-registration

Preregistration in diverse contexts: A preregistration template for the application of cognitive models

In recent years, open science practices have become increasingly popular in psychology and related sciences. These practices aim to increase rigour and transparency in science as a potential response to the challenges posed by the replication crisis. …

Preregistration is not a panacea, but why? A rejoinder to Chen & Li's (2024) “infusing preregistration into tourism research”

A viewpoint published in Tourism Management articulates the potential benefits of preregistration and ‘debunking myths' surrounding this controversial open-science practice (Chen and Li, 2024). This rejoinder critically examines six key arguments …

Preregistration of Analyses of Preexisting Data

The preregistration of a study’s hypotheses, methods, and data-analyses steps is becoming a popular psychological research practice. To date, most of the discussion on study preregistration has focused on the preregistration of studies that include …

Preregistration of Studies with Existing Data

Preregistration of research plans is becoming an increasingly popular and common tool to enhance the transparency of a study’s methodology. In a preregistration, researchers document their research plans and register them to a public repository prior …

Questionable research practices following pre-registration

The credibility of psychological findings can be undermined by a history of questionable research practices (QRPs) by researchers. One remedy for this problem is the pre-registration of a study in which a research protocol is registered before …